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Build Strong Teams & Overcome Blockers (a real-world example) 🧗‍♂️

January 20, 2021, was a historic day, an Inauguration Day filled with hope 🇺🇸. As an American, I am reflecting on the opportunity the USA holds to build a strong team, to unite a nation. As my 3rd grader reminded me today during our homeschooling session, “Teamwork makes the dream work”.

I also couldn’t be more proud and honored to work with team bestselfy - such diverse individuals where we all have unique Strengths - raw talent, skills, experience, and vast knowledge to focus on what we do best in roles where we thrive. As a strengths-based team we openly discuss our Strengths and how they contribute to our success- and on the flip side, how they might block us as well (oh, the joys of realizing one’s extreme Strengths!).

Each Tuesday morning, we have a longer team sync. It’s our weekly touchpoint to connect and speak about all aspects of bestselfy. We’ve always been a remote-first company, but during the various lockdowns in the countries we live in, it’s imperative to simply spend the first 20 minutes discussing a topic to help us get to connect better, help us grow, and build trust.

I aim to be a “Leader Coach” to facilitate discussions on why we are rocking and rolling with some things and at times, why we might feel like those same superpower Strengths are blocking us. Here’s my first agenda point from Tuesday’s meeting:

Share: Which one of your Strengths might be blocking you currently and what help do you need from us? (All)

Here’s how it went:

Filip: “Analytical is driving me to only seek numbers as to how to get more engagement and how to explore new coaching content, yet my Openness is leading me more to learn new things and then apply. I want to have things properly in place and then explore. Maybe in various situations, I should ‘dial-up’ Analytical when needed and ‘dial-down’ this Strength when I can just use Openness to do the exploration?”

Tania: “First thing is a team thing because we are a lot of Learners, my Achiever says I am, and we are too slow. I need help reminding myself to still consider options, but we need to jump more.”

Gianni: “My Discipline Strength is getting in the way to find the perfect structure, but I then become uncertain, and with creating campaigns, there’s so much detail. My brain needs some more creativity at this point.”

Brenna: “Feel like in the middle of Tania and Gianni. Discipline is one of the last Strengths and I have Learner, but lacking the Discipline to put it into place. My Achiever gets annoyed because I still have lots to get done. I had to instill more structure and go easier on myself. I bought a planner to break down things into small tasks (get one marketing visual completed, read a few pages, do some yoga, etc.) I am feeling more achievement and getting more discipline.”

Juliette: “Struggling with my Ideation strength - I still have ideas and think about a lot of things, yet not happy with the ideas and don’t feel creative enough. Maybe absorbing different info to strike up new ideas? Maybe show what I come up with and get some feedback?” (we are setting up shorter Ideation sessions now 💡

Moritz: “Currently struggling most with high Openness and wanting to use my Learner more with our users. I am seeing too many options because my Connectedness sees natural patterns, but am slow to pick one. My Strategy wants the best option to manifest itself, but maybe we have to just try out various strategies?”

Hilary: “My Achiever is driving myself and my boys nuts! (yes, I am up late to get this article written, when I should be sleeping...oops, Achiever crept in again). I am not being fair as to how much we all need to get done with work and homeschooling. I know it’s not been easy for all of you during this super busy time, so please let me know when it is too much. I need you to check me on this.”

Are you ready to bring in Strengths and build a self-aware team focused on growth?

Feel free to sign up for the 👉bestselfy newsletter👈 to get bite-sized coaching lessons directly to your inbox because I believe “Sharing is caring” (a favorite quote from my 5th grader).

Onwards and upwards!

Best(selfy), Hilary



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